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Cash Flow Management for Business Success - 32 Strategies

Cash flow is one of the significant factors for the survival of a business. Positive Cash flow is essential for businesses to move forward profitably. Through this course, we will get acquainted with the best strategies for Cash flow management.

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11 Chapters
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₹ 1199
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Profit Vs Cashflow

Many individuals face financial difficulties in their daily lives, even when their businesses generate profits. This issue often arises due to a lack of understanding regarding the distinction between profit and cashflow. Once these concepts are grasped clearly, businesses can navigate their operations more smoothly, ensuring sufficient funds for day-to-day activities.

Categorize - Financial Behaviors

Customers exhibit diverse perspectives and behaviors when it comes to business interactions. Understanding the principles of business psychology can enable you to categorize customers based on their financial behavior and use this knowledge to the advantage of your business. By understanding the field of business psychology, you can gain valuable insights into customer dynamics and leverage them to benefit your enterprise.

4 Bank accounts for stability

Having bank accounts is a standard practice for all businesses, to effectively manage cashflow, it is important to have four different bank accounts.. Understanding these accounts and their impact on cashflow is crucial. Let's explore what these accounts are and how they influence the cashflow in a business.

Financial Statement Vs Cashflow Statement

There are two financial statements in business that may seem similar and are often misunderstood, yet they serve distinct purposes. Gaining a clear understanding of the differences between these statements can greatly simplify business finance. This course aims to provide a comprehensive and easily understandable learning experience to explain these variations.

Introduction to Cash Flow
Chapter 1

What is Cash Flow ?
Chapter 2

What is Cash Flow Statement?
Chapter 3

Profit v/s Cash Flow
Chapter 4

8 Reasons for Cash Flow Problems
Chapter 5

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 1st to 5th Strategies
Chapter 6

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 6th to 9th Strategies
Chapter 7

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 10th to 14th Strategies
Chapter 8

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 15th to 20th Strategies
Chapter 9

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 21st to 24th Strategies
Chapter 10

32 Strategies for Cash Flow Management - 25th to 32nd Strategies
Chapter 11